Friday, 6 August 2010



Now Owl is the solo recording project of artist and member of Nous Vous Collective, William Edmonds (Vest For Tysso). Experiments with bedroom recording, borrowed instruments and reverb and delay. Live he is occasionally backed up Nicolas Burrows (Glaciers).

Kind words:

"William Edmonds of Now Owl may not exactly write pop songs per se, but in his use of texture, tone and pace he has a real knack for bringing ingenuity and interest to his music. He manages to hold your attention better than a hell of a lot of people making this kind of stuff and he does it, I think, by varying the level of urgency with the tracks he layers. Something low and moany is frequently joined by something skittish and nervous and, without changing what was there before, it twists what you think you’re listening to into something else all of a sudden, and these shifts of perception make this music really engaging."
Song By Toad

02 Old Gold by Now-Owl
06 Your Body, a Sea of Feathers by Now-Owl
01 The Gravel, the Stone and the Marble by Now-Owl



General Topography EP

(download only EP)
Hair-Piece Champion, 2010

Ball Game Songs
Recorded live in two 15 minute sessions
Written especially for Nous Vous at Contemporary Art Society, ‘Rotate’, January - April 2010 (tape or download)
Hair-Piece Champion, 2010

Under, Open, Heaven, Outside
Just over 30 minutes of music from the last 6 months of me messing about on my own.
(CDR with hand screenprinted cover and poster with mini zine featuring new drawings, limited to an edition of 40 CDRs)
Hair-Piece Champion, 2009

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Some kind words

My CD got reviewed, I didn't realise,


Song By Toad